Promotes praying the rosary daily for peace and often takes the Church to people who don’t normally attend.
Meetings: First Monday of each month from 7 to 9 p.m. in Bishops Hall
History The Austin Rosary Crusade was founded in a south Austin home on Saturday night, January 18, 1975 under the guidance and inspiration of Our Lady of Fatima using Cathedral parishioner Ignacio Moreno as an instrument.
Since 1975, this crusade has been renewing and strengthening the Catholic faith of numerous people by its establishment of small groups that meet regularly for prayer, instruction, song and celebration. The recitation of the rosary is the prayer that has drawn people together in their homes and churches. They grow in their fellowship with one another and in their knowledge of their faith.
Since 1975 the crusade has organized 32 rosary groups: 30 in the Diocese of Austin, one in Falfurrias Diocese of Corpus Christi and one in Yoakum Diocese of Victoria. The Austin Rosary Crusade is a traveling prayer group that will go wherever they are invited. Distance is not a factor.
The focus of the crusade is threefold:
Promote praying the rosary daily for world peace to fulfill Our Lady of Fatima's request of 1917,
Promote evangelization as requested by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go to all nations and make them my disciples and teach them to obey everything that I commanded you" and
To take the Church to homes that do not go to Church following St. Paul's example. "I take up what is lacking in the Body of Christ." Colossians 1:24
The daily intentions of the crusade are:
Pray for peace in the world;
For the conversion of sinners;
For religious vocations;
For reconciliation and unity among families;
For those who do not believe in God;
In reparation for abortion and child abuse;
For those who suffer from sickness, grief, desperation, slavery, abuses, injustices, discrimination, loneliness and lack of food, clothing and shelter; and
For the Church, Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Gregory Aymond and all the bishops, for all priests and religious.
The crusade promotes other ministries, such as:
A 24-hour prayer chain,
Hospital ministry,
Jail and prison ministry,
Abortion clinic ministry,
Hospice ministry,
Wake service ministry and consoling ministry and
Fund raiser for people in need.
We need volunteers to organize English-speaking groups, transportation, telephone help and typing.
The crusade has two major events annually to promote evangelization: