Arrive at church about 15 to 20 minutes before Mass.
Check with the senior usher to see if there is one or two collections.
Open doors for parishioners and welcome them to church. Try to keep the doors closed as much as possible (cold and hot temperatures affect the back of the church).
Go to the sacristy and get the Eucharistic gifts. Place them on the table (skill to be done by senior usher).
Take up the collection. This will be just following the "special intentions." The priest will sit down and the music group will start the Offertory song. Place the money into the collection basket.
Guide the line for Communion. There will normally be four chalices with wine in them. Start up the center aisle at about the time that the presiding priest hands the first two to the extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion.
Take up the second collection if there is one after Communion. You will start up the aisles as soon as the priest closes the Tabernacle door.
Open the door for the priest and the altar servers for the recessional.
Clean up all of the litter after Mass and place the books back in the holder on the back of the pews. Make sure that the side doors and interior rear doors are closed.