Los Amigos de las Americas, the Hispanic concerns ministry at the Cathedral, began in April of 1993, when interested people responded to an invitation from the director of parish social outreach ministries.
The group's mission is to foster unity and facilitate the integration of the Spanish-speaking community into the life of the Cathedral. Currently, there are eight members and we meet during the year as needed. Our members serve as lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, catechists and once a month they help serve breakfast at the parish. The funds collected from the breakfast are used to pay religious education scholarships, books and materials, as well for the Cathedral reconciliation project, Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration, fund choir needs and any other needs in our Cathedral.
Under the spiritual direction of Father Sam Hose, we started the weekly Mass in Spanish in January of 1994. A choir was formed, and lectors, ushers and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion were trained. The Mass has been a source of love and joy to the participants. Many positive comments and affirming remarks have been received.
In June of 1994, we began the baptismal classes in Spanish for parents and godparents of children receiving this sacrament. These classes are held on the second Saturday of each month. Baptisms are also celebrated in Spanish at the Cathedral once a month on Saturdays.
In September of 1994, we incorporated a Spanish element to the Christian Faith Formation program with classes held every Sunday 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. during the school year.
We close the year with the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 12.