The Senior Adult Ministry of Saint Mary Cathedral began around 1996. Its purpose was to bring together the "65 and over" members of the parish for friendship, fellowship, fun and spirituality. But, also to give something back to the church community for all the Church has done for us all these years. The "65" has since been extended to those "50 and over."
We have a covered dish luncheon four times a year and sponsor a Sunday breakfast three times a year. All of the proceeds of the breakfast goes to the Cathedral. In the past years, SAM has purchased the:
padded red chairs
remainder of the new hymnals that were not donated by parishioners
glass on the large table in Bishops Hall
new stove in Bishops Hall kitchen
We hope the current balance in the SAM fund will be used toward the reduction of the restoration and perhaps to establish a fund for a Msgr. Matocha scholarship.
In honor of Msgr. Matocha's 60th anniversary as a priest, SAM members collected $456 in 2005 to award three Msgr. Matocha scholarships to students at the Cathedral School who were also altar servers.
We also participate in the Holiday Bazaar in December, donating the proceeds to the Cathedral.
Some of us count the weekend collections each Monday morning. Because we are retired, we can step in and help with church activities during the work day.