SATURDAY & SUNDAY: Bring the parking ticket with you to your meeting or Mass. You may validate your parking ticket in the Donahue Center Gym, at the table near the blue door to the elevator lobby. (Validation expires at the end of the day, 11:59 p.m.)
Jesus, I thank you for your gift of the priesthood to the Church. I pray for all priests and seminarians today especially__________. May they hear your invitation to “follow me,” in every aspect of their lives. Bless them with love and joy as they seek to know you more . Give them courage and zeal as they serve you and your people. Give them wisdom and trust as they discern your will. We ask this with confidence in you. Amen. Our Father…, Hail Mary…, Glory be….St. John Vianney, patron of priests, pray for us. Please pray for the Cathedral Seminarians, Miguel Flores and Chris Yeager on the 22th and 23th of each month, respectively.
Celebra con nosotros el 98 aniversario de la aparición de la Virgen de Fátima. Sábado, 24 de octubre; Santa Misa a las 9:30 de la mañana. Procesión con Matachines y Oración seguirán la Santa Misa. Para mas información llame a Ignacio Moreno, 512-443-4111; 512-940-0698
Weekly Eucharistic Holy Hour begins next Wednesday, Oct. 7, 7:00-8:00pm in the Cathedral. All are invited and encouraged to spend time before Our Lord. Contact Juliet Morgan, 512-851-7727 to volunteer for Holy Hour. La Adoración Semanal del Santísimo Sacramento comienza el próximo miércoles, 7 de octubre a las 7:00 de la noche en la Catedral.
We Extend a warm Welcome to Fr. Jayaraju (“Jay”) Polishetty, Parochial Vicar, who joined the Cathedral Community on October 2, after having served the parish of St. Mary, Immaculate Conception in Brenham. Please introduce yourself and extend a warm welcome to Fr. Polishetty. We are blessed to have him with us.
Cathedral priests will attend Annual Priests’ Convocation October 5-8. See schedule below: Monday, Oct. 5: 6:30am—Mass; No Confessions; 12:05pm—Communion Service Tuesday, Oct. 6-8: 6:30am—Communion Service; No Confessions; 12:05pm—Communion Service