Ellenrieder, Marie. Jesus als Kinderfreund. 1845. Oil on canvas. Dreifaltigkeitskirche, Konstanz, Germany.
Teaching your Child about the Sacrament of Reconciliation you will want to share, demonstrate and live these teachings...
1 Reconciliation is a Sacrament of healing in which our sins are forgiven and where we are reconciled with God and the Church.
2 Jesus granted the apostles and their successors (priests) the authority to forgive and retain sins.
3 God is a loving merciful Father who is waiting for us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
4 Show your child how to make an examination of conscience. One way to practice this is to walk through an examination of conscience at the end of the day as part of their night prayer.
5 The Act of Contrition is very important and help them to understand that Reconciliation is a way of preparing their soul to receive Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist.
How to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
An examination of conscience should be prayed about, each time, before going to confession.
Enter Confessional, kneel and make the Sign of the Cross.
Greet the priest by saying,
“Bless me Father for I have sinned. This is my first Confession.”
or “Bless me Father for I have sinned.My last Confession was (tell how long ago)."
Confess sins
after, the Priest will talk to him or her and may ask questions
Emphasize that the priest will never tell anyone their sins.
Recite the Act of Contrition.
Priest will assign penance.
Priest will bless the person and give Absolution (pardon) of sins.
Thank the priest, exit the confesional and kneel to pray and prepare to do penance.
Examination of Conscience for Children
1) When I make choices, do I sometimes forget about what God wants me to do?
2) Do I pray everyday? Do I pay attention at Mass?
3) Do I try to see God in others?
4) Do I listen to my parents and teachers or do I ignore them?
5) Have I made fun of my brothers and sister or my classmates?
6) Am I selfish at school? Or do I share what I have with others?
7) When I am angry, do I say or do things to hurt whoever has hurt me?
8) Do I say, “I’m sorry” to the person I have hurt and “I forgive you” to the person who has hurt me?
9) Do I play fair or do I ever cheat at school or games?
10) Have I taken something that does not belong to me?
11) Do I tell the whole truth? Or do I lie about things to not get in trouble?
12) Am I jealous of what other people have or do I appreciate all that God has given me?
13) Do I try to do my best in school?
14) Do I thank God for the gifts and talents He has given me?
First Holy Communion Attire
Girls are to wear a modest, white dress. No spaghetti straps or strapless dresses are to be worn unless accompanied by a vest to cover the shoulder. Dresses must also be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. Sandals may be worn, but no flip flops are allowed. Girls may wear a veil, but the veil must not hit below the elbow.
Boys are to wear a light or dark suit. Boys should wear shoes appropriate to the occasion. Tennis shoes are not allowed.
Our Ave Maria Gift Shop offers First Holy Communion items for boys and girls,
which include rosaries, prayer books, scapulars, bibles, crucifixes,
necklaces, and pendants.
For more information about hours of operation please call our Ave Maria Gift Shop: (512) 617-5880.